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  3. Matching Rights Registration & Designation Transfer Forms (For Buyer)

Matching Rights Registration & Designation Transfer Forms (For Buyer)

If you have purchased our most recently announced pre-ordered book from someone, you will need to ask the seller to submit the seller form. On the other hand, if you have purchased Misery by Stephen King and have the book in your possession, please submit this form.

If you have purchased any book other than the most recently announced edition, and you wish to register as the owner, then please submit this form.

Older non-King titles carry no “rights” to future titles, and the only reason you may want to register as the new owner of an older title is to ensure that the customer designation search is updated.

Updated on January 18, 2023
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  1. Hi, I’d like to sell an older suntup edition to someone (not the most recent edition) but also pass on the rights to the next numbered editions to this person is this possible?

    1. This is not possible. Rights can only be transferred sequentially from book to book. In order to transfer rights to the next Numbered edition, you would need to sell the current edition, and you cannot transfer rights without the sale of a book.

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