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Shipment Turnaround Time

For in-stock items, we ship within 2-4 business days. For pre-ordered editions which are not yet published, please refer to the announcement page or the individual edition page for the estimated publication date. You can also track the production status of our editions on the Status Updates page.

Estimated Publication Dates

We provide an estimated date by when the edition will ship. Sometimes we experience delays that are beyond our control, and other times there could be a delay because of changes or improvements we make to an edition during production.

The estimated publication date which appears on the announcement page is based on when we feel all editions of a title will have shipped. In almost every case, each edition of a title will have a different publication date because each book is usually at a different stage of production. The estimated publication dates shown on each individual edition’s page in the Store are representative of that specific edition’s estimated publication date.

Updated on February 9, 2024

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